Saturday, 6 August 2011

5 Ways to Flu-Proof your Kids and Yourself too

5 Ways to Flu-Proof your Kids and Yourself too

It’s that time of the year again, the air gets colder that makes sneezing and coughing so common. Before you know it, one of your family members gets the flu then everyone else has it, too.  Not a good picture especially if you have toddlers.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu germs can spread even before symptoms appear, and you can infect others up to a week after you first become sick.
An ounce or prevention is worth a pound of cure. And this is so true this flu season.  With your kids going to day care, how can you make sure that they will not get the flu? There are few steps that you can take to protect yourself and your family from what seems to be the inevitable flu.
  1. Remind your kids the importance of washing your hands each time they use the bathroom, before they eat, and after they come home from school or a play date. Be a good example and show them the proper way of washing your hands. Good hygiene for kids is essential for everybody to be healthy. Germs are rampant everywhere especially in playgrounds. After picking up your kids from school, tell them to go wash their hands and change their clothes as germs can linger on your toddler's outfit for several hours.
  2. Boost your Immune system. The guardian of the health of our body is the immune system.  Let your kids eat the right foods.  Sugar and processed foods can crash your kids’ immune system. Obvious foods such as sodas, candy, cookies, ice cream, and potato chips are the big guns that should be kept concealed. Fresh foods offer the highest quality vitamins. Teach your kids about healthy eating and dieting by being a good example.
  3. Let your kids get the required 8 to 10 hours sleep at night. Studies show that while we rest at night, the body is working to rebuild the immune system.  
  4. Practice proper hygiene practices in your home. Focus on the top three germ hot spots: the computer desk, the phone, and the TV remote. Make sure to sanitize and disinfect these especially when your child is sick.
  5. Play with your kids, have fun together walking to the park, playing catch or just running around. Not only do you get the benefits of exercise but the fun times you have together will have a lasting effect for you and your child.


We the the Health consultants and sharing the easy ways to keep yourself healthy in todays time.


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