Over the counter weight loss products are mostly used by people who want lose a few pounds for cosmetic reasons. These weight loss products can come in many forms. Bars and shakes, pills and patches and a long list of other types of weight loss products to choose from.
Weight loss products in the form of shakes are mixed with a glass of milk and are substituted for one or more meals. Many users of these weight loss products report feeling constantly hungry and regain the lost weight. By relying on weight loss products in form of shakes, dieters follow artificial dieting methods and avoid learning proper nutrition with real foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, etc.
Over the counter weight loss products can be sold with limited proof of effectiveness or safety. Health claims based on reviews and interpretations of studies made on these weight loss products mostly posted in their site are made by the vendors to make their weight loss products the best for the reader to choose. Most of these reviews and interpretations of studies on these weight loss products are made without the authorization of the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration). However, the FDA can pull any weight loss products off the market if proved dangerous.
There are several sites and books on weight loss products that are beneficial. The reviews and studies made on weight loss products are not for infomercial purposes.
Prescription weight loss products are not intended for people who just want to lose a few pounds for cosmetic reasons. Weight loss products are generally reserved for people who are unable to achieve a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Prescription weight loss products or drugs as some may call it are intended for people who have health problems as a result of being overweight.
Weight loss products are prescribed by the doctor if other methods of weight loss have not worked. A person’s body mass index (BMI) is greater than 27 and has medical complications of obesity, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea.
When selecting weight loss products, gather as much information as possible. Beware of high costs, pressure to buy special foods or pills, and fraudulent claims. Your own scrutiny and curiosity on these weight loss products are your best protection. It is best to talk with your doctor about any weight loss products you are considering to take.
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