Saturday, 6 August 2011

Choosing an Exercise Schedule

Adopting an exercise schedule and adhering to it demands mental and physical discipline on a daily basis, but the advantages of a healthy body and a healthy mind outweigh all the troubles you take. One has to constantly monitor and improvise the exercise schedule keeping in mind changes in the body.
Different people take up exercising to achieve different goals. While for some people an exercise schedule is a means of achieving better health in general, while for others it can be for looking and felling better. Goals range from strengthening muscles, improving the cardiovascular system, practicing specific athletic skills, controlling bodyweight, for fun, to win, to socialize or to get away from one’s work schedule. Exercising not only rewards with physical benefits, it also helps improve memory and mental health. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have lower levels of stress and fatigue.
Whatever the aim, some basics remain common across all the different types of schedules. Persistence, discipline, proper dietary habits and general awareness towards health are the key factors which can assist in achieving optimal benefits from any exercise schedule.
Depending upon one’s own capabilities, an individual should take a gradual approach building up an exercise schedule. Begin with a light schedule, progressing towards a moderate, and then finally a vigorous exercise schedule. Consulting a qualified trainer or doctor is always advisable.
An ideal exercise schedule can be a mix of aerobic (e.g., cardiovascular exercises) and anaerobic exercises (e.g. weight lifting) where the combinations of these two types vary as per individual requirement, with extra emphasis on either of the two. For people targeting activities such as sports that involve higher metabolic rates – cardio exercises should be done for 20 to 30 minutes, at least three to four times a week. Cardio exercises include cycling, swimming, skipping, kick-boxing etc, in which movements are fairly continuous and repetitive over a longer period of time. Such exercises help improve blood circulation, respiration and stimulating bone growth. An exercise schedule with ample amount of emphasis on aerobic exercises will help increase stamina and endurance.
Anaerobic exercises help improve muscle strength and their power. In anaerobic types of workouts, the exercises are of higher intensity and shorter durations than in aerobic workouts. Exercises such as weight lifting and sprinting are classic examples of anaerobic exercises. While aerobic exercises help burn fat whilst performing exercises, anaerobic exercises target building more muscle and an individual burns fat even while at rest since muscles burn more calories than any other tissue in the body. Stretching is an important aspect of exercising which should not be treated with indifference. Regular stretching in combination with any type of an exercise schedule imparts greater benefits.
People who have been inactive for a longer period of time can start with other types of exercises like Yoga and Tai-chi. These kinds of exercises that combine meditation, stretching and breathing exercises are recommended for older aged people too.
Finding the right time and company to exercise makes a lot of difference to pursuing an exercise schedule. For example, join a gym with a friend, it will help you enjoy the sessions more and you get a training partner too. Taking short walks any time of the day, skipping the use of elevators and using the stairs, staving off using the car for shorter trips are examples where one can increase the amount of physical activity irrespective of their commitment to any exercise schedule. No bad side-effects are experienced while exercising; but you should take precaution to not overdo things, set your own pace and consult experts for advice.


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